
You found it, now let's get crafty!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Full steam ahead!

Wow... its been over a month of the Bitch and Stitch and I am loving it!!!  There has been such a nice rotation of stitchers involved, and having a standing date "vale la pena" (is worth the effort!)
It's easier than we think to go about our day to day errands and work, unfortunately prioiritizing other things ahead of keeping in touch with friends, but this is a great way to make sure that friends stay on the weekly agenda!  At least that's what I am finding, and loving MOST about the B&S!
So thanks to all the 'bitches' who keep it going!

Last week Vanessa joined us for the first time, and took a considerable chunk of conceptual work out of her tea pot cozy project.  What she put together so far looks great!!  And I think that I might have to get a tea pot cozy going myself!  Plus we found a great little anarchist tea cozy cross stitch pattern with Jacquie a few weeks ago, so there might even be a tea cozy show off in the future!

But back to the here and now!
This weekend Elaine and I headed out to The Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library Fundraiser - brunch and craft learning event.  It was a  great way to get out of the house, go check out the Crafts museum, nibble on snacks  and try some new crafts. 
We started out at the braiding station and jumped right into learning an 11 strand Algerian braid - That's right ELEVEN STRANDS!  And it was pretty smooth sailing after we got the hang of it!

While I puttered away on that Elaine learned another braid using five loops of yarn... pretty neat stuff, and very rhythmic! 

As we braided away, sipped on coffee and chatted with the other crafters there, my attention kept getting sucked back to the felting table.  Felting!  I have recently been so curious about felting, and here was the opportunity to try it out!  Poor Elaine told me I reminded her of her beautiful but wild at heart husky who cannot keep it together if there is a squirrel or rabbit or anything that moves near by.  Try as hard as he might, he just can't collect himself and resist the urge to chase.  ...Well that was me with the felting.
Finally we went over and tried our hand at it!
Its hard to describe, so take a look, then ask for details at the next Bitch and Stitch.
ha ha ha ha  Bait and Hook!

Thats all for now, this week we meet in St.James, I will send out a map of exactly where!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool!

    Thanks for entering my contest, too - good luck!

